Happy New Month: Life Lately 3

Happy New Month Guys! I hope this month brings you nothing but joy and blessings. May the value of the Nigerian Naira increase, and may things get better for all of us, amen.

Here are some of my Goals for March 2017:
  • To do daily Taking Stock Posts, so be sure to stick around, and don't forget to comment.
  • To upload a video on my YouTube Channel once a week (either on Mondays or Fridays).
  • To finish reading a book or topic each week.
  • Take my Hair a bit more seriously without idolising it.
  • Tolerate people and myself(because I judge myself a bit too intense) more.
  • Talk less,do more.
  • Draw closer to God.

Fire: Is what I will call my snapchat today. You have to see for yourself to see what I mean exactly (just in case you are curious, my username is lilyofnigeria.

Irritated: by those disgusting ways people use to wriggle themselves out of situations.

Still Disgusted: by this line “I am testing you.”
 I’m like, “Damn you and your tests! Feeling bad? I was just testing you too.”

Marveling: At how God sorted out an issue that rose its ugly head today. The meek shall inherit the Earth indeed.

Sorry: I did not do Yesterday’s Taking Stock.

Making: Microwave Brownies J hahaha! It was a major failure. I didn’t add egg.

Yesterday: I went for Ash Wednesday Mass at 12Noon. Yes, I’m Catholic.

Finally: bought water and a few goodies.

Currently Reading: The Blessing of the LORD by Kenneth Copeland. 

Using my Side Eyes to Peep: Big Brother Naija.

Seeking Ways: to get through mental exhaustion after a day’s job.

Wondering: how to make my Instagram Account more interactive.

Can't get Enough of: Runtown's Mad Over You. 

 Sending you love and happiness,

This post is based on Proverbs 16:3.

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  1. motivated to take stock of my endeavors

    1. Please dear, I encourage you to do so.
      Thank you for stopping by.


I hope you enjoyed reading today's post. You can find me on social media @lilyofnigeria

PR friendly, email: 1ladynigeria@gmail.com
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