How to Get a Dog that Suits Your Lifestyle

It's funny because growing up I was a cat person(I still find kittens adorable and will pet your cat). There was Snow white and her litter of Kittens,Tiger, and Suzy.
However, I lean towards dogs nowadays,and they lean towards me as well. You might have seen that on the 31st of December 2016 on my instagram.

See what I mean? Pup isn't even my dog. Here's a bonus picture of Angel my aunt's dog, and I.
After watching Naughty Boy's music video  La la La I was determined to get me a Chow chow. Then, I had a dream(I'm serious) that a golden would suit me best. Yep,I'm prophetic. I woke up and did my research in what a golden was and was blown away with the qualities of a golden retriever. More than ever, I am determined to get a puppy with a good family lineage. I just haven't had the opportunity to do so. 
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You can imagine the joy I felt when I played around with this graph,and it led me down to a golden retriever, i know right,total  confirmation!
If you're looking towards getting a dog, try using this graph and let me know what you got. And,if you like your results or not.
Thank you for visiting,and reading. Don't forget to share your results with me, just as I did with you.
By God's grace,i'll see you in my next post.

Peace and Love,

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