How to Care for Relaxed/Texlaxed Hair

Quote of the Day: Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present- Jim Rohn.

Good evening guys! Welcome to my blog :) if you're here for the first time, you might want to read our welcome post here. If you're a seasoned reader thank you so much, I appreciate.
Happy 4th of July to my readers from the United States of America(from my blog  analytics you guys make up close 60% of my traffic so it's only fair I wish you a happy celebration).
I almost forgot I was supposed to post today when I came back from work.
If you've read this post here, It's no news that I use relaxer for my hair. But what you might not know is that I transitioned from thoroughly relaxing my hair to having texlaxed hair. I just apply the relaxer to my new growth and keep a strict time limit on how long the relaxer gets to stay on my hair. To think of it, I should do an update on my hair routine,like his one.

Sometime in April this year, I made up my mind that when my bottle of conditioner finishes, I'd not be replacing it in a long time. Why? You might ask. Well, it's already enough that my hair has to go through the process of being exposed to chemicals(even if it is for 10-15 minutes). Besides, God knows what they put inside those things. It's not just conditioners, any other unnecessary products asides my trusty shampoo which I'm not mentioning here before y'all say I'm doing free advert for them; my Ori aka Shea Butter(which by the way I'm replacing with olive/coconut oil because Ori is a bit too thick for my hair).

I now use only natural products to condition my hair after shampooing. Next week I'll be letting y'all in on three types of natural conditioners you can choose from.
I still keep to my weekly hair routine, and this week I used two eggs to deep condition my hair because I texlaxed last week, and I needed something to replenish the protein in my strands. My hair loved it!

The Process:

I cracked the eggs and poured the contents on my wet hair and left if for 20 minutes while massaging my scalp the whole time, before washing it out with cold water(avoid warm or hot water or else it will cook the egg and you'll end up having the most frustrating day removing semi cooked egg white from your hair).
Then, I dried out my hair and applied Ori to my strands,then left my hair to dry naturally.
And I styled my hair into my favourite bun style as seen in today's pictures.

It was almost sundown, and a race against time taking these pictures and using natural light, because I almost forgot about today's post.

Ps: If you're going to try this at home, please you should be a little careful and check with your nearest stylist, or email me so I'd advice you(there is such a thing as protein overload on hair, you can read that up elsewhere).

Just in case you were wondering, the name of my nail polish is Bedouin Gold by Rimmel. It's my trusty non judgmental colour whenever I don't have French Tips on my fingernails(I've had it for so long, I don't even know if they still make it. For those of you that like it, I searched the internet and sadly couldn't find it, this one here is the closest I could find).

This is not a sponsored post.

By God's grace, I'll see you in my next post on Thursday guys.
I wish you God's peace and favour.
Your friend,

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  1. Great tip on the hair thing cos I'm really suffering breakage. I'll have to start thinking natural products now. For the moment i'm on hair supplements which was recommended by mu doctor. AT the end I'll see. Thanks for the tips

    1. Thank you dear. I hope your supplements work for you.



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