Happy New Month: Blog Goals

Welcome guys! It's been a while since I posted here. Happy New Month! It's another opportunity to right all wrongs and take chances; I hope June was good to you.
If you follow me on instagram here you already knew about this post before hand.
I've been busy with a lot of things behind the scenes.
How have you been? It's been a while o...

So, my people,what goals do you have planned out for the month of July?
As for me,I've decided to take my blog/brand serious, (with God's help).
:) At the moment, as much as I want to,I won't be able to post everyday. Here are some of the goals I hope to achieve for Lily  of  Nigeria this July:

I'll be posting four times a week. On Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I figured I need to put in my best into this. What do I have to loose?
In Jesus name, I will blog to the "fullest maximum",can I get an Amen somebody?

•On instagram,I'd be posting everyday so be sure to check out my posts. Shebi we're friends, you can follow my account @lilyofnigeria
Focus the blog on Fashion + Beauty + Reviews and Life. Each topic has a particular day(you'd have to find out which one falls on which day).

• Not to bite more than I can chew, to focus and achieve(basically point and nail my goals). Brand Mantra: Consistency, quality over quantity. 

Relaunch my YouTube Channel sometime in the month.

• To slay the procrastination that had held me down.

• I'm not going to ignore the fact that some people aren't creative, and go about shamelessly copying pasting other peoples ideas and published work without giving back credit! Henceforth, I will call them out, without pettiness of course.

In other News, we have crossed the 50,000 views threshold. As a matter of fact, we're headed to 55,000! Thank you all so much. I appreciate ALL your support
Even on Facebook we have 120 likes on the page, if you haven't been there before, you can click here

Just before we call it a day, Biko, have y'all seen this expensive post on Instagram?

What are your thoughts? My jaw literally dropped to the ground. Haba Nigerians...!

I wish you a successful July, filled with laughter and joy. By God's grace, I'll see you in my post on Monday.

Love and Peace,

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